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My personal website and blog where I share my thoughts on various topics, including tutorials, notes, and personal experiences. Explore my site to learn more about my journey and discover some of what I have learned.

Building Your Own ESP32 ChatGPT Voice Assistant

Building Your Own ESP32 ChatGPT Voice Assistant

Dive into the exciting journey of creating a voice assistant using an ESP32 and ChatGPT, exploring audio recording, Wi-Fi connectivity, and seamless interaction.

Bitcoin Price Prediction Using ARIMA

Bitcoin Price Prediction Using ARIMA

Learn how to use ARIMA to predict Bitcoin prices and convert the forecasted values to USD and IDR.

An Introduction to Linear Discriminant Analysis

An Introduction to Linear Discriminant Analysis

Understanding and implementing Linear Discriminant Analysis for dimensionality reduction and classification.

Face Counting using Haarcascade and YOLOv3

Face Counting using Haarcascade and YOLOv3

Implementing a face counting system by combining Haarcascade and YOLOv3 in Python.

How to build a blog with Next.js and MDX

How to build a blog with Next.js and MDX

Using Next.js to build a blog is very easy!

PHP study notes

PHP study notes

Basics about PHP such as comments, Echo, variables, arithmetic operators