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Bitcoin Price Prediction Using ARIMA

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Bitcoin Price Prediction Using ARIMA


Predicting Bitcoin prices is a challenging yet fascinating task due to the cryptocurrency's volatile nature. In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of building a time series forecasting model using ARIMA to predict Bitcoin prices and convert the forecasted values to USD and IDR.

Packages Required

To get started, you'll need the following packages:

You can install these packages in Google Colab using the following commands:

Install Packages in Google Colab
!pip install pandas numpy statsmodels matplotlib requests

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Load the Data

First, we'll load the latest Bitcoin price dataset from Yahoo Finance.

Load Bitcoin Price Data
import pandas as pd

# Load the dataset
url = ''
data = pd.read_csv(url, parse_dates=['Date'], index_col='Date')

# Display the first few rows
                   Open        High         Low       Close   Adj Close  \
2016-01-01  430.721008  436.246002  427.515015  434.334015  434.334015
2016-01-02  434.622009  436.062012  431.869995  433.437988  433.437988
2016-01-03  433.578003  433.743011  424.705994  430.010986  430.010986
2016-01-04  430.061005  434.516998  429.084015  433.091003  433.091003
2016-01-05  433.069000  434.182007  429.675995  431.959991  431.959991

2016-01-01  36278900.0
2016-01-02  30096600.0
2016-01-03  39633800.0
2016-01-04  38477500.0
2016-01-05  34522600.0

Step 2: Visualize the Data

Visualizing the time series data helps to understand the trends, seasonality, and patterns.

Visualize Bitcoin Price Data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Plot the time series data
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(data['Close'], label='Bitcoin Price')
plt.title('Daily Bitcoin Prices')
plt.ylabel('Price (USD)')

Step 3: Differencing the Data

Differencing is used to make the time series data stationary, which is required for ARIMA modeling.

Perform Differencing on Data
# Perform first-order differencing
data_diff = data['Close'].diff().dropna()

# Plot the differenced data
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(data_diff, label='Differenced Bitcoin Price')
plt.title('Differenced Daily Bitcoin Prices')
plt.ylabel('Differenced Price (USD)')

Step 4: Fit the ARIMA Model

Now, we can fit the ARIMA model to the differenced data. We'll use the ARIMA function from the statsmodels library.

Fit ARIMA Model
from statsmodels.tsa.arima.model import ARIMA

# Fit the ARIMA model
model = ARIMA(data['Close'], order=(5, 1, 0))  # (p, d, q) parameters
model_fit =

# Print the model summary
                               SARIMAX Results
Dep. Variable:                  Close   No. Observations:                 3120
Model:                 ARIMA(5, 1, 0)   Log Likelihood              -25710.140
Date:                Tue, 16 Jul 2024   AIC                          51432.279
Time:                        03:16:46   BIC                          51468.551
Sample:                    01-01-2016   HQIC                         51445.300
                         - 07-16-2024
Covariance Type:                  opg
                 coef    std err          z      P>|z|      [0.025      0.975]
ar.L1         -0.0513      0.010     -5.339      0.000      -0.070      -0.032
ar.L2          0.0122      0.010      1.198      0.231      -0.008       0.032
ar.L3          0.0329      0.011      2.974      0.003       0.011       0.055
ar.L4          0.0363      0.009      3.887      0.000       0.018       0.055
ar.L5          0.0114      0.009      1.214      0.225      -0.007       0.030
sigma2      8.492e+05   8408.771    100.987      0.000    8.33e+05    8.66e+05
Ljung-Box (L1) (Q):                   0.03   Jarque-Bera (JB):             16897.89
Prob(Q):                              0.86   Prob(JB):                         0.00
Heteroskedasticity (H):              13.15   Skew:                            -0.04
Prob(H) (two-sided):                  0.00   Kurtosis:                        14.40

[1] Covariance matrix calculated using the outer product of gradients (complex-step).

Step 5: Forecasting

After fitting the model, we can use it to make forecasts.

Forecast Bitcoin Prices
# Make forecast
forecast = model_fit.forecast(steps=30)  # Forecasting for the next 30 days

# Plot the forecast
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(data['Close'], label='Original')
plt.plot(forecast, label='Forecast (USD)', color='red')
plt.title('Bitcoin Price Forecast')
plt.ylabel('Price (USD)')

Step 6: Convert Forecast to IDR

For converting the forecasted Bitcoin prices to IDR, we need the current exchange rate. We'll use the requests library to fetch the latest exchange rate from an API.

Convert Forecast to IDR
import requests

# Function to get USD to IDR exchange rate
def get_usd_to_idr_exchange_rate():
        response = requests.get('')
        data = response.json()
        return data['rates']['IDR']
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error getting exchange rate: {e}")
        return 14500  # Default exchange rate if API fails

# Get the exchange rate
exchange_rate = get_usd_to_idr_exchange_rate()
forecast_idr = forecast * exchange_rate

# Print forecasted values in USD and IDR
print("Forecasted Bitcoin Prices for the next 30 days (USD):")
print("\nForecasted Bitcoin Prices for the next 30 days (IDR):")
Forecasted Bitcoin Prices for the next 30 days (USD):
2024-07-17    64857.928145
2024-07-18    65018.188590
2024-07-19    65167.803824
2024-07-20    65261.151784
2024-07-21    65288.089636
2024-07-22    65298.841536
2024-07-23    65308.944573
2024-07-24    65314.532450
2024-07-25    65316.760778
2024-07-26    65317.743490
2024-07-27    65318.393172
2024-07-28    65318.762795
2024-07-29    65318.928459
2024-07-30    65319.006839
2024-07-31    65319.051756
2024-08-01    65319.076660
2024-08-02    65319.088722
2024-08-03    65319.094613
2024-08-04    65319.097798
2024-08-05    65319.099518
2024-08-06    65319.100384
2024-08-07    65319.100816
2024-08-08    65319.101043
2024-08-09    65319.101164
2024-08-10    65319.101226
2024-08-11    65319.101257
2024-08-12    65319.101273
2024-08-13    65319.101282
2024-08-14    65319.101286
2024-08-15    65319.101289
Freq: D, Name: predicted_mean, dtype: float64

Forecasted Bitcoin Prices for the next 30 days (IDR):
2024-07-17    1.050802e+09
2024-07-18    1.053398e+09
2024-07-19    1.055822e+09
2024-07-20    1.057334e+09
2024-07-21    1.057771e+09
2024-07-22    1.057945e+09
2024-07-23    1.058109e+09
2024-07-24    1.058199e+09
2024-07-25    1.058235e+09
2024-07-26    1.058251e+09
2024-07-27    1.058262e+09
2024-07-28    1.058268e+09
2024-07-29    1.058270e+09
2024-07-30    1.058272e+09
2024-07-31    1.058272e+09
2024-08-01    1.058273e+09
2024-08-02    1.058273e+09
2024-08-03    1.058273e+09
2024-08-04    1.058273e+09
2024-08-05    1.058273e+09
2024-08-06    1.058273e+09
2024-08-07    1.058273e+09
2024-08-08    1.058273e+09
2024-08-09    1.058273e+09
2024-08-10    1.058273e+09
2024-08-11    1.058273e+09
2024-08-12    1.058273e+09
2024-08-13    1.058273e+09
2024-08-14    1.058273e+09
2024-08-15    1.058273e+09
Freq: D, Name: predicted_mean, dtype: float64


This tutorial provided a basic introduction to using ARIMA for time series forecasting of Bitcoin prices. Additionally, we demonstrated how to convert the forecasted values to USD and IDR using the current exchange rate.

By following these steps, you should be able to create a time series forecasting model using ARIMA and apply it to your own datasets, including Bitcoin prices.

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